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2/23/2010 Leads to News Articles

Filed under: Uncategorized — mstaple2 at 8:16 pm on Monday, February 22, 2010

Straight News: Mom convicted of killing kids in freezer

ROCKVILLE, Md – A Maryland woman was convicted Monday of murdering two of her adopted daughters, whose bodies were found in a freezer in the woman’s home.

Anecdotal News:Cell Phones Linked to Brain Tumors

WASHINGTON – Ellie Marks flew from San Francisco to Washington, DC this week for what she says is a personal mission. She believes her husband is dying from a brain tumor because of a cell phone.

Direct News: Sources: Alec Baldwin Blames Ex Kim Basinger for Daughter’s Call to 911

(The New York Post) — Actor Alec Baldwin fought with his 14-year-old daughter, taunting, “I’m going to take some pills. I’m going to end this” — and then got furious when the panicked teen called 911, The New York Post reported Friday, citing police sources.

Bad Lead: Pediatricians Urge Choking Warning Labels for Food

CHICAGO (AP) — When 4-year-old Eric Stavros Adler choked to death on a piece of hot dog, his anguished mother never dreamed that the popular kids’ food could be so dangerous.

This is not a great lead because of the contents of the story. This information gives me no desire to read this article. If the lead said something along the lines of how he choked maybe it would make me more inclined to continue reading. What I gather from this lead is an irresponsible mother. I would never have thought that you would need to put a choking label on a hot dog brand. You can choke from any food. America is so uptight. If she was watching her child she could have more than likely prevented him from dying.

1 Comment »



February 24, 2010 @ 4:30 pm   

5/5. But man, that poor woman!

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