Michelle's Comm 303 BLOG

Just another onMason weblog


Filed under: Uncategorized — mstaple2 at 1:10 pm on Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Photo courtesy of Flickr user: e.kristina

There is a 1970’s table cloth draped over a table. From this view you can only see the top of the table and its contents. The table cloth is a creamd based cloth with fuschia pink 5-petaled flowers with mustard yellow centers. The table cloth is covered with 100’s of these flowers that are about the size of my hand. On top of the table cloth sits a stack of 6 library books. All are over 50-years-old. They are worn and torn on the edges. The pages are yellow and brown. The way I have them situated is where I can only see the pages of the book, I cannot see the bindings or the titles. All of these books are hardback. The bottom one has a white cover, the second one is not visiable, the third book has a teal cover, the fourth book has a dark blue cover, the fifth and sixth books have red covers. Whats interesting about these books is how used they are. They are placed on top of each other but not in a perfect stack, they are staggard. They are soft to the touch and are very fragile when picked up. A couple pages are shoved back into the book because they have fallen out. The edges of the hardbacks are bent because of the usage they have received. The books look dirty and tired on the table cloth that is brightly colored and alive. Here this moment is frozen in time.

1 Comment »



February 16, 2010 @ 11:42 pm   

Many good details. Some AP style issues and spelling issues: 1970s, “creamd,” tablecloth, staggered, visible. 4/5.

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