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Web Package 4/1/2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — mstaple2 at 11:59 pm on Wednesday, March 31, 2010

I chose to look at The Washingtonpost.com for my evaluation of a web package. When first viewing this website you are met with numerous tabs on the top part of the page. They allow you to click on them and go to different news articles or subjects. The home page is opened to the “news” tab. I personally enjoyed that because on the left hand side of the website it had a combination of an audio and visual clip. You could scroll through the pictures and there was even a video that went along with one of the news stories you could follow. There also was a lot of advertisements on the front page, it was distracting with them being so large. When I began clicking on the tabs on the top of the page the website wouldn’t let me in. I had to first sign up for a subscription.That was frustrating considering all I wanted to do was check out the website. It wouldn’t let me read any of the news articles they had posted on the website. I then changed my opinion of The Washington Post and found it to be a horrible website. I was annoyed that I was not able to surf the website.

I then checked out The New York Times. They also had tabs running on the top of the website and the side. They had a lot of graphics that you could click on that took you to a particular story.  The website was easily accessible and  allowed me to click on any of the links it provided. It has blogs, which allow journalists to compose topics and readers to comment on them. The website also provided many videos. The ones I found were focused on sports, but there were others.The website provided the most popular items on their website which included previous stories and frequently read articles. I could not find a lot of links that went to other websites or newspapers, that could lose a bit of their credibility, but overall The New York Times has a great package. The New York Times was a much better website than The Washington Post. It was more easily accessible and allowed me to really look around at their web package. There really wasn’t anything I wouldn’t click on because of how eye catching everything was. They provided audio and visual clips, previous stories, graphics and blogs.

1 Comment »



April 6, 2010 @ 9:07 am   

These are good evaluations of these sites but I would have preferred for you to focus on a single Web package, not entire Web sites. 4/5

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