Michelle's Comm 303 BLOG

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Stovall 5.10 Re-write

Filed under: Uncategorized — mstaple2 at 4:46 pm on Monday, March 1, 2010

This past weekend, three local students were hospitalized Sunday morning from alcohol poisoning after attending the Alpha Beta Zeta fraternity party.

The students involved were Press Martin, junior, Al Amalek, freshman and Rob Smith a sophomore . Lots of people have been concerned these days with drinking at fraternity parties; recently students at LSU and MIT have died from alcohol poisoning.

University president Harvey Smithville went over the policy banning alcohol from fraternity houses, “Any fraternity in which the members have alcohol will be immediately suspended. A second offense within a year will result in the banning of that fraternity for five years.” The IFC president, Bart Addison, agrees with the statement.

From the university, ” A number of witnesses say alcohol was being consumed by the students. Based on that we are suspending the fraternity and all its activities on campus.” Jan Mize from the university’s public relations department said that usually a suspension like this one is for about a year.

Addison is shocked to hear this and is going to ask President Smithville to reconsider the suspension of AZB since it was only the act of a few men and not the whole fraternity.

Martin and Smith were released from the hosptial on Monday morning; Amalek is still there and listed in critical condition. As a result the university might increase its police patrols of fraternity houses on the weekends.

1 Comment »



March 3, 2010 @ 10:50 am   

Your lead is okay, although you could mention the suspension as well — that’s newsy.

[CUT redundant: This past weekend,] three local students were hospitalized Sunday morning [with] alcohol poisoning after attending [a party at the] Alpha Beta Zeta fraternity [house].

2nd graf: Your first sentence is pretty dull. Avoid “is/are/were” verbs. Can you deliver news about them? Think about what questions your reader will have — Are they okay? Are they still in the hospital?

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