Michelle's Comm 303 BLOG

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The President is Black

Filed under: Uncategorized — mstaple2 at 2:23 pm on Saturday, February 6, 2010

Obama’s black, WHAT? Chris Matthews claimed, “I forgot Obama was black for an hour” http://www.bvblackspin.com/2010/01/28/chris-matthews-msnbc-i-forgot-obama-was-black-for-an-hour/” One MSNBCs most respected voices forgets the President’s black for an hour? This article claims that Matthews, while listening to Obama deliver his State of the Union speech, delivered it so well he forgot his race. It starts by the author of the article saying […]

Assignment 2/4/2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — mstaple2 at 12:04 pm on Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Page 94-96 4.2 News Values 1 “Good Guy” Holds Teacher, Students Hostage 1. The news values that are present in this story is this typical “cool” high school boy held his fellow students and teacher hostage. This is something that the mass media would be interested in because letting your community and the public know […]

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