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Seat Belt and Cell Phone Bills

Filed under: Uncategorized — mstaple2 at 12:31 pm on Sunday, February 28, 2010

In Richmond, Virginia drivers are allowed to continue talking on their cell phones while driving. They also will no longer be pulled over if not wearing a seat belt.

A House subcommittee decided that talking on the cell phone while driving and not wearing a seat belt should not be a first offense. For at least another year, in Virginia, drivers are in the clear. However, if you get pulled over for something else driving without a seat belt can be a second offense and will result in a ticket.

The writer of this article I think did a very good job. For such a short, vital article they got all of the information needed in a small amount of space. Everything that was important to Virigina driver’s is in this article when it comes to talking on the cell phone while driving. I appreciated how factual and to the point this article is.




February 28, 2010 @ 6:34 pm   

Correct me if I’m wrong because I’m not entirely sure but is it true if you are 18+ you are allowed to talk on your cell phone while driving? I think the seat-belt as a secondary offense is a terrible idea. Drivers need to be extra cautious while driving and seat belts are made primarily for safety purposes so why would anyone NOT want to wear them? I’ve heard on plenty accounts victims of car accidents say “If I wasn’t wearing my seatbelt I would have defintiely died,” why would anyone want to risk it? I believe that people can handle talking on the phone while driving, but drivng without a seatbelt is just a terrible idea and almost asking for more fatal/severe car accidents.



March 1, 2010 @ 12:05 am   

Wow, they won’t get pulled over if you’re not wearing a seat belt? I don’t necessarily agree with that just because I feel it wouldn’t emphasize on the safety of driving if the authorities were to take it lightly. I agree with the whole cell phone bit. I think that’s absolutely manageable but as for not being penalized for wearing is seat belt could lead to major issues down the road.



March 1, 2010 @ 5:51 pm   

Yet ANOTHER example of ineptness with politicians. Never mind all the deaths and injuries that occur every year for those very reasons, never mind the great risk that comes with doing these two things… how do you dismiss such an easy to pass bill such as this? Maybe they need to tweak it a bit to determine the best method of execution, but this just reads as a massive oversight on their part.

I also don’t see being pulled over for a seat belt not being on as being penalized. They’re saving your life. I can’t count all the officers who told me “I’ve never pulled a dead man from a seat belt”. I’d frankly rather pay the $50 fine for not wearing a seat belt than be ignored by cops and possibly killed by an accident that may not have even been my fault.

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