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Helpful Clinton

Filed under: Uncategorized — mstaple2 at 1:45 pm on Saturday, February 13, 2010

This article that I found from myfoxdc.com brought Bill Clinton into a new light in my eyes. Clinton just went through another heart procedure on Thursday to remove a clogged artery that was causing him discomfort in his chest. When you first begin reading this article going solely  off the headline you can assume that it is going to be about Clinton’s visit to the hospital, but it is quite the opposite.

This article talks more about how Clinton is striving to help Haiti. It was really impressive to read what people were saying about him and his view on Haiti.”And if I know President Clinton, he’ll be on the phone … calling people asking for more help for Haiti and where he can get pickup trucks so they can deliver food or generators. If I know Bill Clinton, he’ll be raring to go in about 35 minutes.” To me, when I think of Clinton all that comes to mind is his presidency and his affair. So to find an article like this about him made me think twice about my opinion on our once president. It was nice to see someone in the limelight put their self on hold and focus on something in desperate need! Way to go Bill!

For the full story: http://www.myfoxdc.com/dpp/news/bill-clinton-released-from-hospital-021210




February 14, 2010 @ 4:31 pm   

It truly amazes me that even in a hospital bed, Bill Clinton was refusing to hang up the phone to continue making plans for Haiti. I was very happy to hear that Clinton’s procedure went smoothly, but even happier to see his motivation to continue helping Haiti. Many people claim to put others before them but do not always follow through with it. Clinton however, stood true to his motto even in a hospital bed!



February 14, 2010 @ 6:51 pm   

I know what you mean when you say that all that comes to mind when you think about Clinton is his presidency and his affair. To me, people are always ready to bring up the bad that someone does before shinning light on the good deeds they do. I feel like no one really knows about what Clinton has done because the news doesn’t like to report good news. He is an inspiration to all and I wish him well.



February 15, 2010 @ 1:26 am   

I think that this is an amazing story. It shows that even though he made a huge mistake that he is still a good person. Most people would be concerned
for themselves when they are in the hospital but he was still thinking of what he could do to help out.

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