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Snow News Day

Filed under: Uncategorized — mstaple2 at 2:50 pm on Sunday, February 7, 2010


Bonding in the Snow.

While some are frantically running around preparing for the storm, families in this article are already prepared. This article was posted in the Washington Post on February 7,2 010. This article was great because instead of the Post reissuing more information on how many inches of snow we are going to get or the possibility of what areas were going to lose power and so on they wrote about the community. The Post knew, themselves included, newspapers were airing too much information out about the snow, so instead of providing facts their next thought was what are people going to do with the power outages and the snow?

This writer made this story a lot more interesting because it showed how families are going to adapt to the weather conditions and gave ideas of things to do in the snow. For example, a women said she was going to use a baking sheet to go sledding with instead of a sled. It was also interesting to hear how families that were going to lose all electricity and power could count on their neighbors to host them, something you do not hear about often anymore. This article was enjoyable because it was covering news about the snow but also making it relatable to the community.

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