Michelle's Comm 303 BLOG

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Seat Belt and Cell Phone Bills

Filed under: Uncategorized — mstaple2 at 12:31 pm on Sunday, February 28, 2010

In Richmond, Virginia drivers are allowed to continue talking on their cell phones while driving. They also will no longer be pulled over if not wearing a seat belt. A House subcommittee decided that talking on the cell phone while driving and not wearing a seat belt should not be a first offense. For at […]

Assignment 2/25/2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — mstaple2 at 2:16 pm on Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Stovall Page 129 Exercise 5.10 Writing News Stories People are concerned with drinking at fraternity parties; recently at LSU and MIT students died from alcohol poisoning. Two weeks ago the University’s president Harvey Smithville went over the policy banning alcohol from fraternity houses, “Any fraternity in which the members have alcohol will be immediately suspended. […]

2/23/2010 Leads to News Articles

Filed under: Uncategorized — mstaple2 at 8:16 pm on Monday, February 22, 2010

Straight News: Mom convicted of killing kids in freezer ROCKVILLE, Md – A Maryland woman was convicted Monday of murdering two of her adopted daughters, whose bodies were found in a freezer in the woman’s home. Anecdotal News:Cell Phones Linked to Brain Tumors WASHINGTON – Ellie Marks flew from San Francisco to Washington, DC this […]

Assignment 2/23/2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — mstaple2 at 11:10 pm on Sunday, February 21, 2010

Stovall page 126 Exercise 5.5 Lawsuit Suit filed in the Circuit Court against Amburn’s Produce Market for negligence; Ellie Maston slipped on green beans and broke her hip. Maston is filing the suit for $100,00 to account for permant bodily and mental injury, incurred medical expenses and lost income. The accident took place on April […]

Condom Smuggler

Filed under: Uncategorized — mstaple2 at 4:14 pm on Thursday, February 18, 2010

A Nigerian drug smuggler was arrested in Switzerland because he stuffed 123 condoms with cocaine. He proceeded to swallow them adding 3.7 pounds to his stomach. There was so much cocaine in one condom that it could have killed anyone. The Nigerian was with 6 other people who were stopped after running a red light […]

Assignment 2/18/2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — mstaple2 at 2:41 pm on Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Stovall page 99 Exercise 4.7 Paraphrasing Quotation 1 Paraphrased: Martin Goldsmith, general manager of the local public radio stations, said that the fundraising goal this year will be $100,000. The money will be going towards their programming efforts they provide for their audience and this goal will make programming attainable. Quotation 2 Paraphrased: Marilyn Wall, […]


Filed under: Uncategorized — mstaple2 at 1:10 pm on Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Photo courtesy of Flickr user: e.kristina There is a 1970’s table cloth draped over a table. From this view you can only see the top of the table and its contents. The table cloth is a creamd based cloth with fuschia pink 5-petaled flowers with mustard yellow centers. The table cloth is covered with 100’s of these flowers […]

Helpful Clinton

Filed under: Uncategorized — mstaple2 at 1:45 pm on Saturday, February 13, 2010

This article that I found from myfoxdc.com brought Bill Clinton into a new light in my eyes. Clinton just went through another heart procedure on Thursday to remove a clogged artery that was causing him discomfort in his chest. When you first begin reading this article going solely  off the headline you can assume that […]

Assignment for 2/11/10

Filed under: Uncategorized — mstaple2 at 12:24 pm on Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Page 68 3.11 Using the Stylebook 9 1. The United States comprises 50 states. 2. How would you write, “In the year of the Lord 33”? A.D. 33. 3.  What is the correct title for Russian leaders before 1914? czar 4. What is an acceptable abbreviation abbreviation for the ocean liner Queen Elizabeth II? QE2 […]

Snow News Day

Filed under: Uncategorized — mstaple2 at 2:50 pm on Sunday, February 7, 2010

http://voices.washingtonpost.com/local-breaking-news/?hpid=topnews Bonding in the Snow. While some are frantically running around preparing for the storm, families in this article are already prepared. This article was posted in the Washington Post on February 7,2 010. This article was great because instead of the Post reissuing more information on how many inches of snow we are going […]

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